Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It's been 6 months

Wow, it's been six month since I updated my blog. Well, I admit that I was in a busy year 2006 and now it is coming to an end. Not before I turn 18 though. Hehe.

Since July, I was busy with my studies, work, relationships, and into more and even more express myself as my age comes to a sweet eighteen time.

It was truly a full and packed year I had. And I am very blessed and thankful for getting it, many lesson learnt, exposed to adulthood, getting to know more as an individual living on one in a million stars and in a colony of galaxies, which is the Earth.

July til September 2006
-Study, study and more studies
-Getting to know more friends
-Deepen the experience as an individual in his own way to achieve destiny and ambition
-Think, imagine, and more of using brain power

October and November 2006
-Worked at a bontique fair selling apparels
-Exposed to work environment, met new friends and we worked together
-Now know what is the meaning of office conflict and fear of it
-Earning some cash isn't that simple
-Learnt about different human characteristics or double personality peoples
-My patience is beyond limits
-My presense can ease uneasiness in the surroundings
-Every word had to be filtered before coming out from mouth
-To get something, you must first let go of something
-To realize that I've been such a lazy bum all these years
-Laptops are pretty handy: burning CDs, quick access, nice display

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All crews before opening time of the mall

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Worked in shop lot in November, taking a break behind the fitting room

December 2006
-Worked till 15th December
-4th Dec, mum's birthday
-20th Dec, sister's birthday, start of a relationship
-Times really FLIES very fast!
-First time to ever confess directly to a girl
-21th Dec to 25th Dec, a trip to Cambodia
-Merry X'mas or just an ordinary day to me
-Anticipated celebration on 27th Dec

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Working in December, with a hohoho hat

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An escape to Cambodia through Air Asia, looking down the double layered window

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Angkor Wat, one of world's seventh wonder, I wonder...

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Bayon Temple in Angkor Thom, faces in the temple keeps me puzzled of this natural heritage, how long had it last and when will someone who had the same feeling with me visit it

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First time ever to feel so confident running along the street and glares of eyes on me. I am now at the top of world~ hehe, still in Angkor Wat though ^^

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Time really past with a 'blink' of an eye. Wishing 2006 will end beautifully, flawlessly. And hope a lucky and packed with happy surprises awaits me in 2007.

On 27th December, I will blow off 18 lit-candles on a mouth-watering cake and before that I will make a wish...hopes it will come true, hehe.



Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I'm 17.5 today~

Another half a year before I can really step in to the world of an 'adult'. The word 'adult' still is unfarmiliar to me. Maybe because of the 'kid' in me still haven't ready to say goodbye to me.
The term adult describes any mature organism, but normally it refers to a human: one that is no longer a child / minor and is now either a man or a woman. Coming of age is the event of becoming an adult, i.e. of entering adulthood. Historically, adulthood has been determined by puberty, which is physical or biological adulthood; passing a series of tests to demonstrate the child is prepared for adulthood; or reaching a specified age, sometimes in conjunction with demonstrating preparation. Most modern societies determine legal adulthood based on reaching a legally-specified age without requiring a demonstration of physical maturity or preparation for adulthood.
The legal definition of entering adulthood usually varies between ages 16-21, depending on the region in question. Some cultures in Africa define adult at age 13, and the Indians of Guatemala consider adulthood at age 10.
In the modern world, often the age is 18. Exceptions:

16: Scotland
17: Indonesia
19: South Korea
20: Japan

Well. for me, I'm not sure yet. I'm still as playful and naughty as ever. ^_^
This few days, I was watching the FIFA world cup till I got panda eyes. But it was exciting and fun to watch. Already half way through the 16-matches. Really getting the hang of it. At the end here, I'll post up the video entitled, " I'm Just a Kid." by Simple Plan.


Monday, June 12, 2006

High-sensitivity syndrome

The sensitivity or insensitivity of a human,
often considered with regard to a particular kind of stimulus,
is the strength of the feeling it results in,
in comparison with the strength of the stimulus.
The concept applies to physical as well as emotional feeling.
If your sensitivity is on the right level, you will react appropriately to the emotions or situation of other people, tactful.
If you are too sensitive,
you meet these situations like rapid perception with the senses, reacting to small changes.
You feel offended even if the matter is a small fry.
This will lead to sleeping problems, losing of appetite and weak.
Another situation is that you will feel readily getting upset or hurt although the other people did not do anything seriously wrong.
If it is lethal, it may bring to suicide.

So, chill down your sensitivity neuron system and relax,
try not to think too much and do the activities you like.
There's nothing wrong being solitude if you really can't communicate or easy to get hurt although there is just a small misunderstood.

In the end, I will tag in a music video from
Rainie Yang's, " Sensitive ". ( Guo Min )
It's a mandarin song and it tells a story of a girl being too sensitive which leads to breakage in her love relationship.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Stranded in the field of emotions

Hmm, where am I? I'm clueless. I'm like marooned on an unknown place with nothing but only memories, the past that I feel anxious and unsecure. Am I just too sensitive or something else? This remains a mystery to me.
In the weekends, I spent my time watching concerts, enjoy world cup matches, surfing the web, eat, sleep and sometimes I just feel like singing a few songs I like. Walking in the crowd, I kept looking around at different kinds of people and sometimes I eventually imagine myself as that particular person in the crowd and try to see how they see me in their minds. Well, handsome? Tall? Arrogant? Or even look like a sucker. Although they won't say it out, you can still see it from their facial expressions. This is called nonverbal communication.
Actually, maybe they did not see us as in what we think. Sometimes we interpret a wrong facial expression and started to feel bad of ourselves. The most important is not what they say about us, is the way we interpret their opinions and views. If we interpret it as a positive factor, then hapy it is. If in the other hand, feeling down as we can be. So why we get frustated with other people's view anyway? They are not the one who can control our feelings or emotions, it is us, ourselves who determine what emotion should we go through. Take their opinions and if we are personally wrong, then change, what wrong with a change? It's we that what ourselves to improve, not that we turn over a new leaf just because for that particular opinion.
So, people, live your life to the fullest and be confident to yourself. Don't get easily beaten or discourage by just a person that may not understand you.

At the end, I would like to post up a few of songs. Hehe, I love these songs!!!
Jennifer Paige, " Stranded "

Garbage, " Cherry Lips "


Friday, June 09, 2006

World Cup 2006 in Germany!!!

Are you ready?
Are you ready for the hottest game show in the world?
And today the spirit of World Cup burns in the beautiful country of Germany in 2006.
Yup, and the 1st match will be between Germany & Costa Rica!!!
So, prepare yourself as Germany reach its climax today!!!
Millions will be watching this match from around the world!!!
The teams from different country will be striking for the GLORY and FAME for their own country and also to grab hold on the PURE GOLD WORLD CUP TROPHY!!!
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Who wouldn't go wild when we say about WORLD CUP.
And here I attached a clip that is suitable for the game that turns the world around.
Crazy Frog's " We Are The Champion " ( Ding A Dang Dong )


What do we really want?

What do we want? An account of billions of money in the bank? Or a villa with a large outdoor landscape added with a few flashy sport cars? These features or properties seems to be everyone's dream when we are still in childhood.
But as we grow,our needs too grow into different forms according to our personalities that have been brought up since we are a baby. For example, for those who was born in a divorced, rich but busy family, most of them will be eager for others' people attention and care. As well for those who stayed in a house full of care and love would want freedom and independence. For those singles out there, they will be daydreaming of getting their life partner soon and in the other hand, those with partners face the problem daily and wish that they are still single. Weird right? These characteristics are very normal to be in a human being.
So, what do we really want? Since after we get the things we want, we will still want other than what we had wished for before we get what we want. In a nutshell, we must appreciate watever we get and we must be prepared that we are going to lose it one day. Give and take is the basic norms in a human lifestyle. If there no give, then you can't just keep taking. The cycle of give and take goes on and on. Then, what are you waiting for?
Strive hard for the things you want and remember to share it after we get what we want.

For closure, I include this music video by Michelle Branch, " All you wanted "


Uncontrollable emotions

Emotion, in its most general definition, is a neural impulse that moves an organism to action. Emotion is differentiated from feeling, in that, as noted, emotion is a psycho-physiological state that moves an organism to action. Feeling, on the other hand, is emotion that is filtered through the cognitive brain centers, specifically the frontal lobe, producing a physiological change in addition to the psycho-physiological change. ( sources from Wikipedia )
Okay, enough for the science explanation. Generally, can we really control our emotions? It normally depends on the environment of a person when growing up and how he or she was brought up. Some will ending up faking their tears on their pillow or finding it funny and silly. As everyone knows our EQ ( emotional intelligence ) is more important than our IQ ( intellectual intelligence ). So, understanding ourselves is the basic knowledge that we even find it hard to learn.
In a nutshell, I think that a system of identification that includes a recognition of the real differences people at different levels of giftedness feel and experience would be extremely helpful to them in better understanding themselves and developing their emotional intelligence earlier in life before so much confusion and pain have been experienced.

At the end, I enclosed the article with a song from Destiny's Child, " Emotion "

And lastly from a Singaporean chinese singer, JJ Lin's " Actually " ( mandarin song ) ( Yuan Lai )


Listen here~!

Dedicated to the my new friend that I cared. Wishing you will accept me back as your friend.

Let's not make things too COMPLICATED~

Let's heat things up with Avril Lavingne's " Complicated "

If you asked me to make a wish, I'll wish for FRIENDSHIP FOREVER between you and me.

Feeling weird...

Phew~! Just came back from National Service and it was sure tense and tired there. But I really missed my friends back there. The experience will forever be remembered in my memories...
Well, just back from rural areas and now-back to the old busy days of the city. Just came back from the camp and I will go to a college near my home. Luckily I knew some fresh new friends and they really quite good. We immediately became a gang. But after a few days I sense something is going wrong between me and my new pals. There is a girl whom is very cheerful and open-minded when I first met her. Not long, she became cold, and started to avoid me. Weird? Well, I think having yourself exploit to a new environment where your old friends are not with you will be hazardous and may bring a failure friendship sice I am not a very good speaker.
Now, I finally understand that the world out there is opened to many complicated human relationships, not to mention the weird personalities of people. That why I am so eager to study psychology and I wanted to really understand why a person will behave or act like that. Maybe they are also afraid to get hurt out there, so they adapt themselves by changing their atitudes or act. But I seem to be a little over emotional when I meet such awkard situation.
In a nutshell, I hope she will accept me as a friend and that's all. I did not want her to have wild fantasies about my action and behaviour. I wish she could understand the voice inside my heart and don't treat me so cold anymore. That's all, be friends. I can't stand any longer when people gives me the look of hatred or discrimination. I also have my feelings. But if she continues like that, I have no choice but to just save myself from the psychological trap and don't think about it too seriously. So don't save me. Let the time prove everything.

This music video comes from the ex-M2M, Marit Larsen ( blonde hair last time )
New single entitled " Don't Save Me "

Resurrection of the blog~!

Wow, it's been a long long time since I updated this blog.
Well, I admit that I'm too busy these few months.
Busy with exams, working, and National Service in my country.
Now, at last I can now inhale some fresh air and time to restart my dull old blog. ^_^
Let's start the blog with a music video.
One of my favourites, Kelly Clarkson " Because of you "