Woo hoo, back to uni at Semester 2 and things will be getting more lively for a while. And guess what, I am going to my first ever ER party...did not go last year, so have to redeem myself this year.
Dressing up as a geeky doctor with a lab coat and tie...hoho, actually I changed a few times before I got on the bus... It's annoying how I still get so indecisive sometimes....but at last, got on bus on time to King Street Club at 8pm. (Using concession kekeke)
Pretty much lost at first, but thanks to Clare saying about Maccers earlier in tute, so followed her directions and got there... 1st on the list to arrive...what the hell??? Haha, thought I would be late in Australia, but it seems that late party times are same in all nations.
Started drinking at around 10pm when some of my friends came in, lemonade vodka, bourbon with coke...probably had around 4 shots (courtesy to Matt), and getting the Asian flush...we went off to Fannys' at midnight, Newcastle's No.1 club, music was so good there. Due to the oddness of our theme, everyone in Fannys' were like looking at us, so funny. I was stereotyped a drunken red Asian and got a few random cuddles and headrub from strangers...not to mention the pushing and poking while at dance floor.
At 2 am, we decided to go for Maccers and then go back home with cab...after all the intention of being cheap (which is bad), I finally need to pay up for the taxi fare, which is fair enough. Reached home at 3am, itching everywhere...God, felt so dehydrated. But it was a fun day, could be even exciting if I talked to more people and socialise, kept staying with my group...hahaha. Looking forward for the next party soon, well with studies going on as well. Slept at 4am.

Can't wait to be the real thing!!
Coming soon after graduation =)