Eyes are organs that detect light, and send electrical impulses along the optic nerve to the visual and other areas of the brain....bla bla bla, enough of the scientific side of eyes, what I am trying to relate is the detecting light and sending electrical impulses part- but not along the optic nerves, however is the electrical impulses sent to other eyes, which in short known as eye contact.
Have you ever walk on the street giving an eye to some strangers? Have you ever receive any eye from some unknown people? What matters is that do you ever enjoy being an apple of their eye? To me, there are 3 groups of people in the eye-ing business. I am kinda a mix of 1 and 3, you'll figure out soon why.
A person who electrocutes without trying
A person who tries but could not electrocute
A person who can only able to electrocute a certain group of people
Aside from the electrical impulses, sometimes there's a transcription hidden within it. According to my 'eye-servation', most of the time, these are the messages... Hey, cutie; Wanna hang out?; Dang, you're hot!; I'm horny for you...
Maybe I am being a stereotype, but my eye-servation detected that you can rarely get an affectionate transcription out of those windows to a lusty soul. Me? I guess I do transend something like this sometimes, I am a normal being after all. But I try not to eye out the wrong message, but with the laugh lines around my eye, it just makes it harder not to, especially when you have a pair of smiling eyes.
Recently, I feel that my eyes are putting me in deep waters (yeah, right~) , in shopping malls, trains, bus...basically everywhere. Even when my lips are not curved, the 'smize' is out. (Criteria of Group 1) My eyes always work on certain people (80%) and others (20%) (Criteria of Group 3) I think I have to figure my eye out before getting myself into hook ups which I am not interested in doing...
Guess a pair of sunnies would help, but I don't like wearing them, makes me look like a bug. Oh well, at least the deep water is like an oasis, in the middle of a desert. I just have to keep myself safe and not drown XD.
Can you feel the EYE? Try it yourself, do an EYE-servation and get an EYE-ful today!