假期。。。 这次终于是朋友来找我,以前都是我去找他们。。。
From Sydney坐火车的菲~
4点多就去接她。。。然后去了海边, 刚好有个Carnival。
那里有人叫我试一下Lucky Draw for $4,因为开心所以试了,而且中了‘375’

From Sydney坐火车的菲~
4点多就去接她。。。然后去了海边, 刚好有个Carnival。
那里有人叫我试一下Lucky Draw for $4,因为开心所以试了,而且中了‘375’

Kawaii neh? 呵呵呵
天暗了,回家时坐巴士,连猪都可以算一个人的车费了, 哈哈哈
在家做了Bak Kut Teh, 好吃 =)
她也来抽热闹,我正在煮红豆水。。。I‘m lovin' it!
Still in process......
The next day, actually wanted to go Hunter Valley...
but changed plans in bus stop and we end up in.......
Birubu Beach near Nelson Bay.
1st up, we went for Sand-boarding!!!!
The next day, actually wanted to go Hunter Valley...
but changed plans in bus stop and we end up in.......
Birubu Beach near Nelson Bay.
1st up, we went for Sand-boarding!!!!
Looks fun eh?
Well, can't complain much...just hike our way up Sk8ter Boi & Gal
Hip Hop Style~

After finishing Sand-boarding, went to stroll around Birubi Beach where Faye did some photo shoot for her project.
Then we went home and go shopping for dinner.
I made okonomiyaki =)
Then at night, we watched movies in my room on our self-made couch. Haha, comfortable =)
In the morning, woke up and cook Ja-Jiang Noodles with Baby Buk Choy.
Simple and delicious, then it was time to send her off at Broadmeadow Station.
I insisted on her to hug the pig back, but too big 哈哈哈
Kung Fu Pig....哈哈哈