Saturday, August 04, 2012


What comes around goes around...
Fair say, but does everything follow this rule?
Nevertheless, people would like things to be balanced.
Just like yin and yang.
But of course people as much as how they wouldn't admit their greed,
I am inclusive of course,
would like things to be in a comfortable outcome more than its counterpart.

With so much on your plate
Sometimes you just wish you don't have to keep them in balance
With time, with health, with family, friendships, personal relationships...
Time had been wasted and gained
Health had been neglected and warranted
Family had been torn and reunited
Friendships had been distanced and reattached
Love had been bitter and sweet

Sounds overwhelming but I guess human beings just adapt to it
Evolution continues, regardless of what any outcome it may be
Since to most people, balance isn't a definite 50-50 ratio
It's more like what they show in chemical equations
The equilibrium
The process still continues
The scales still continues to sway up and down
As long as the core remains
As earthquakes, storms, tornadoes tries to put you off balance
As you fall, there's no other way but to stand up again
And to continue the equilibrium
Acknowledging the past
Stabilizing at present
And reassurance for the future

Kevin Tang
04 August 2012
The cause of imbalance: Reality VS Naivety
and physiological vertigo
The equilibrium continues...

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