Eyes are organs that detect light, and send electrical impulses along the optic nerve to the visual and other areas of the brain....bla bla bla, enough of the scientific side of eyes, what I am trying to relate is the detecting light and sending electrical impulses part- but not along the optic nerves, however is the electrical impulses sent to other eyes, which in short known as eye contact.
Have you ever walk on the street giving an eye to some strangers? Have you ever receive any eye from some unknown people? What matters is that do you ever enjoy being an apple of their eye? To me, there are 3 groups of people in the eye-ing business. I am kinda a mix of 1 and 3, you'll figure out soon why.
A person who electrocutes without trying
A person who tries but could not electrocute
A person who can only able to electrocute a certain group of people
Aside from the electrical impulses, sometimes there's a transcription hidden within it. According to my 'eye-servation', most of the time, these are the messages... Hey, cutie; Wanna hang out?; Dang, you're hot!; I'm horny for you...
Maybe I am being a stereotype, but my eye-servation detected that you can rarely get an affectionate transcription out of those windows to a lusty soul. Me? I guess I do transend something like this sometimes, I am a normal being after all. But I try not to eye out the wrong message, but with the laugh lines around my eye, it just makes it harder not to, especially when you have a pair of smiling eyes.
Recently, I feel that my eyes are putting me in deep waters (yeah, right~) , in shopping malls, trains, bus...basically everywhere. Even when my lips are not curved, the 'smize' is out. (Criteria of Group 1) My eyes always work on certain people (80%) and others (20%) (Criteria of Group 3) I think I have to figure my eye out before getting myself into hook ups which I am not interested in doing...
Guess a pair of sunnies would help, but I don't like wearing them, makes me look like a bug. Oh well, at least the deep water is like an oasis, in the middle of a desert. I just have to keep myself safe and not drown XD.
Can you feel the EYE? Try it yourself, do an EYE-servation and get an EYE-ful today!
Been working at a restaurant since August 2008 as a waiter and it was really sudden last year when I decided to work which I kinda regreted but just gonna go with the flow.
The thing that I dislike is being the lazy stereotype in the bunch, I used to work so hard but then I've came to a point and realised, that I am here to study, not to earn bits of money.
But I was kinda relieved when they decided to use less of me, coz study is important and I don't want to risk my tuition fees over a few petty cash.
However, they started to call me and beg me to work now- which is like the most crucial season for examination preparations. But I think people are just being people (Refer to Little Pigeon)
Well, I will not give a damn soon, coz my finals are just 20 days away. My tuition fees surpasses most or all of the staff in the restaurant, so I am not taking the risk.Not gonna be a puppet anymore =)
Been busy with performing, work, assignments and studies, feel like wanna clone myself to manage everything. I always dream of being a twin brother...at least someone to hear me out and understands me.
Just got notified by my friend who WAS planning to be my room mate next year. Due to parental advice, he is not gonna move in with me...now who the hell am I gonna find? Just feel like cloning myself more...
Not restricting just to twins, triplets now haha but I think, the more the merrier.
A great skill to learn just before handing in an assignment...and facing the exams Way to go...haha
But in the end, everything had to be done independently. That's the reality of life ...but I still wish to be one of a twin =p
Little pigeon by its nest, Peeking down from the crest, Planning to migrate to the best, Knotty thoughts kept in chest, Extended wings and internal test, To assimilate itself with the rest.
Little pigeon always in zest, Aiding ally and cleaning the mess, Naivety among the contemptuous infest, Recollection of kindness mysteriously less, Remembered for being a pest, Aide memoire for a reality test, And buckle on the safety vest.
Little pigeon by the goblet, Laments over the infests' secret, Agitated but still a puppet. Congested fluid in the faucet, Waiting for its longing starlet, Veiled from the atrocious silhouette.
Written by Tang Hoi Mun 17th October 2009 Copyright law reserved
2 weeks of holidays is gone, just in a nick of a time.
Feel devastated that I barely even study or finish my assignments. All I did was eat, sleep, movies and gaming. Hopefully I can get my motivation back as soon as possible because it's gonna be a hectic month of crazy studies preparing for examinations...
Through the holidays, play is dominant than studies...
26th Sept - Bizi's open house
27th Sept - Performed in Sydney
30th Sept - Kimian's open house & Mok's birthday
1st Oct - Turana Parade visit
2nd Oct - Ethics videos production, Uni Drive open house and art galleries tour
3rd Oct - Mid Autumn Party @ Lydia's
4th Oct - More work
5th Oct- Dinner with GEN Education Agents
6th Oct - Went library to start my assignments
8th Oct - Dikir Barat BBQ Gathering
9th Oct - Khai Chi's graduation party
11th Oct - Australian BBQ Party @ Joanne's
Too much events happening, haha hopefully I'll feel bad soon and finish off everything and get through the examinations and have a well-deserved holidays.
At least I resurrected this outdated blog to make things sound nicer. Gonna keep up the good work, gonna go eat breakfast/ lunch first although I woke up at 9.30am but always ended up having late breakfast...need someone with me to nag me =)
Currently starting up the engine of this blog At the meantime, most updates are available @ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/kevinqool This blog had been sleeping for more than a year now, waiting to be awaken... ... To be announced by Addie Tang 09.10.2009
Woo hoo, back to uni at Semester 2 and things will be getting more lively for a while. And guess what, I am going to my first ever ER party...did not go last year, so have to redeem myself this year.
Dressing up as a geeky doctor with a lab coat and tie...hoho, actually I changed a few times before I got on the bus... It's annoying how I still get so indecisive sometimes....but at last, got on bus on time to King Street Club at 8pm. (Using concession kekeke)
Pretty much lost at first, but thanks to Clare saying about Maccers earlier in tute, so followed her directions and got there... 1st on the list to arrive...what the hell??? Haha, thought I would be late in Australia, but it seems that late party times are same in all nations.
Started drinking at around 10pm when some of my friends came in, lemonade vodka, bourbon with coke...probably had around 4 shots (courtesy to Matt), and getting the Asian flush...we went off to Fannys' at midnight, Newcastle's No.1 club, music was so good there. Due to the oddness of our theme, everyone in Fannys' were like looking at us, so funny. I was stereotyped a drunken red Asian and got a few random cuddles and headrub from strangers...not to mention the pushing and poking while at dance floor.
At 2 am, we decided to go for Maccers and then go back home with cab...after all the intention of being cheap (which is bad), I finally need to pay up for the taxi fare, which is fair enough. Reached home at 3am, itching everywhere...God, felt so dehydrated. But it was a fun day, could be even exciting if I talked to more people and socialise, kept staying with my group...hahaha. Looking forward for the next party soon, well with studies going on as well. Slept at 4am.
It's been awhile since I written... Feeling a bit empty this few days, don't really know why. Just repeating the same routine everyday...kinda got bored and sick. Not been eating much as well, loss of appetite, my gosh, not like anorexic stage...yet Maybe it is just temporary, a bit of quietness would not be as bad as it sounds, just have to look at the bright side.
Listened to some songs but this particular song "Xuan Mu" by Faye Wong is stuck in my mind. Maybe my feelings are the same in contrast with the Merry-Go-Round horses...giving people joy and fun but left nothing for myself. But as I said to myself earlier, look at the bright side- At least I made people happy. The melancholy of it is just sometimes unbearable, but that's how reality isanyway. One day, the statue horse of the Merry-Go-Round shall extend its wings and fly, bringing the happiness of its users away with freedom enjoying a better life. One day...
I am waiting for that one day...
When will it be?
...One day (Feeling of content approaching in my mind)
At least I have an answer to the question, no matter what day it is.
Decided to cover the song, just the vocals, no background music. Just a simple monologue of a boy feeling emptiness. *Don't intend to break copyright law or claim this music product is for own*
假期。。。 这次终于是朋友来找我,以前都是我去找他们。。。 From Sydney坐火车的菲~ 4点多就去接她。。。然后去了海边, 刚好有个Carnival。 那里有人叫我试一下Lucky Draw for $4,因为开心所以试了,而且中了‘375’ 抱着一个大肥猪逛海滩。。。
Kawaii neh? 呵呵呵
天暗了,回家时坐巴士,连猪都可以算一个人的车费了, 哈哈哈
在家做了Bak Kut Teh, 好吃 =)
她也来抽热闹,我正在煮红豆水。。。I‘m lovin' it!
Still in process......
The next day, actually wanted to go Hunter Valley... but changed plans in bus stop and we end up in....... Birubu Beach near Nelson Bay. 1st up, we went for Sand-boarding!!!!
Looks fun eh?
Well, can't complain much...just hike our way up Sk8ter Boi & Gal
Sk8ter Boi 遇见 Sk8ter Gal
Hip Hop Style~
After finishing Sand-boarding, went to stroll around Birubi Beach where Faye did some photo shoot for her project. Then we went home and go shopping for dinner. I made okonomiyaki =) Then at night, we watched movies in my room on our self-made couch. Haha, comfortable =)
In the morning, woke up and cook Ja-Jiang Noodles with Baby Buk Choy. Simple and delicious, then it was time to send her off at Broadmeadow Station.
I insisted on her to hug the pig back, but too big 哈哈哈 所以只是拍照做纪念。。。
Kung Fu Pig....哈哈哈
I think only both of us would understand the luckiness of getting the pig, it felt like a movie script that time. 希望来日还有更多值得纪念的事件。