As people lay comfortably on their horizontal position,
Not aware that they need to leave that comfort zone soon.
Mostly insomniacs are already counting down the time their alarm will go off.
Looking at the ceiling,
Waiting for more light to seep through the cracks and openings of the room,
What could be in people's mind?
Yesterday's hardship?
Today's challenge?
Or far beyond the unknown future?
Or rewind into their deepest past?
Isn't it funny how people always plan ahead,
But all they are willing to do at that period of time is craving to lay flat more,
Why not just enjoy the very last few moments of light sleep?
But how could you enjoy it if you are aware that you'll need to be awake soon?
At this stage, numbness occurs...
To me, numbness fits this scenario perfectly.
Where input and output are likely to be equal.
It is when you break the numbness,
You'll not hit the snooze button,
Wake up,
and overwhelm the numbness...
though it sometimes drags on,
but isn't life like that as an adult?
Have you got sick of life?
No one would admit that...
at least not to another homo sapien
By Kaiwyn

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