Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Empty Handed

Coming to the end of 2017
A few more hours before the usual annual celebration
But still listening to the early teenage era music
Ironically the melody was nostalgic but also brings the spirit down
Literally as it sang "You just bring me down..."
Looking into the current scenery, it appears that not much has changed
Except for my grown out physique,
And the feeling of kinda burning out but not fully,
Initial plans of wanting to recuperate was denied,
But does not feel like its the end of the world...

The multiple people and personalities met so far,
Either new or changed circumstances,
Felt the static of own while others evolved into different stages,
Or maybe because all along,
Reflection upon self was insufficient,
I guess it's hard to see self with own eyes...
What you thought could be empty handed,
In another person perspective, could be a treasure hidden just underneath solid ground
Just awaiting for the right person to put that vision into your field
And prosper, and to share the fruit of what you may initially thought was...
Empty handed

Kevin Tang

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