Sweetness of an orange,
Slight sourness of a lemon,
Although we have specific taste buds on our tongue,
We still can't distinguish it fully,
Just like our minds in deciding what's good,
what's bad...
our facial expression would expressed,
just like how our body react to what we may not know,
it's just a natural reflex,
hidden deep somewhere in the limbic system...
I guess.
The sweetness of an orange,
the partial sourness of a lemon comes with it sometimes,
that infinitesimal low pH taste still overrides the sweetness.
Just like how a bad deed is amplified over the goods that you've done so far.
Funny but that's reality
But sometimes,
when you caught a cold,
you lost that special sensory,
that distinguish such detailed information on your tongue.
Everything is back to basics,
just getting enough nutrition for life,
not judging or analysing what's good or bad,
just like our minds,
when immunity is down,
everything is back to basic physiology of trying to survive,
survive the everyday life.
I'm not saying that I like to be sick,
but sickness is the chance to prove others about your true inner self,
not being evaluated, judged, or analysed,
things can be so simple,
back to the innocent days of childhood,
where everyone's a gift from heaven,
waiting for time to cycle through...

I swear I was still like that three years ago (2007)...
still can be,
(1 more exam to go...)
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