Thursday, June 03, 2010

Procrastination continues...

Seriously, I think I can be classified as a major procrastinator.
If there's a challenge of who will be the best procrastinator, I think I can see myself winning it.
But I don't feel like thinking of it...I'm gonna try to study as hard as possible.

Plans to initiate:
  1. Stop surfing YouTube, Facebook and other random crap.
  2. Block the melody in my head.
  3. Stop bludging around, listening to music.
  4. Stop finding excuses to not start studying.
  5. Get a friend to check up on my progress.
  6. Do the past year exam questions to freak myself out on how dumb I am.
  7. No craving for horror games.
  8. Decrease online chatting with random people (unless they're your friends)
  9. Avoid spacing out thinking of people who won't care about myself.
  10. Go to the library to get freaked out by colleagues on how much they know.
So, I'll let the first step now, by signing off.

OH GOD or whatever that has something to do with good luck, please let me score for this exams! I don't ever wanna repeat this boring semester!

But I've to rely on my own...BULK UP~

Laziness is intolerable!!!
Work hard for 2 weeks and 1 month holiday!!!

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